Solar glass energy, recycled bricks, sustainable lighting solutions and FOGO (food organics, garden organics) were just some of the sustainable products recently showcased at the second Sustainable Suppliers industry event as part of the METRONET Sustainability Strategy.

In collaboration with the Transport portfolio, the forum brought together 13 sustainability-focused suppliers to increase awareness, facilitate discussion and overcome barriers to using new, innovative and sustainable products across the METRONET program of projects.

“The METRONET Sustainable Suppliers event aims to connect our project teams with more sustainable options that can be incorporated into the design and construction of our projects,” METRONET Sustainability Strategy Lead Callie Cummings said.

“These events showcase how more sustainable materials and practices can be included in project works to improve resource efficiency, increase recycling and reduce carbon emissions, ultimately working towards more sustainable project outcomes and meeting targets for the METRONET Sustainability Strategy.”