Project schedules adjusted to suit current economic conditions - METRONET


Project schedules adjusted to suit current economic conditions

  • 9 September 2021

Today’s State Budget delivered a $5.7 billion investment in 15 METRONET projects over the next four years, with $1.5 billion to be spent in 2021-22, creating and supporting thousands of local jobs.

With government projects competing for the same resources as the private sector, coupled with the height of the pandemic last year, project timelines have been adjusted to suit the current climate.

As part of this, two METRONET projects have had their project schedules adjusted – Thornlie-Cockburn Link has been deferred by one year, with operations now to commence in late-2024, and the Yanchep Rail Extension has been deferred by one year with operations now to commence in late-2023.

There are currently 15 METRONET projects planned, under construction or complete which have created local jobs, providing opportunities for local businesses, and transforming Perth's public transport network for all Western Australians.

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