Did you know our bodies are around 60% water and need about three litres a day to survive?
And even though 71% of the Earth is covered in water, less than 1% is drinkable. It’s no wonder this precious resource features heavily in Noongar stories or why their biddis (paths) connect waterbody to waterbody.
National Water Week is held every October to spread awareness about the importance of water. It’s also why water is one of the themes of the METRONET Sustainability Strategy.
We're committed to being water wise and helping protect water during construction and for future operations.
Almost 100% of non-potable (non-drinking) water is used during the construction of our projects (primarily for dust suppression).
Projects like the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line are using water use reduction techniques such as the cover over construction dams, or ‘turkey’s nests’.

We’re protecting important Noongar water sites. At Nicholson Road, the METRONET Thornlie-Cockburn Link team redesigned the car park to protect an important waterhole.

Landscaping includes native drought tolerant plants that are better suited to our environment, need less water and support native wildlife.
Just like in your home, water efficient fixtures are being installed at our stations. On the newly opened METRONET Airport Line, smarter monitoring will detect leaks and reduce water consumption by an estimated 11% a year.

METRONET is a key contributor to Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Waterwise Action Plan.
Do your part to be water wise:
- Drink tap water. Did you know the process of making a 375ml bottle of water uses up three times more water than is contained in the bottle? Ditch the single use bottle and choose tap water instead.
- When buying or upgrading appliances in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry, look for ones with a higher water saving star rating. A 3-star rated shower head at 9L/min will save 70kL and $210 each year on water bills.
- Run your dishwasher and washing machine on full and choose efficient cycles when you can.
- Find leaks and fix them.