Morley-Ellenbrook Line Construction Industry Briefing wrap - METRONET


Morley-Ellenbrook Line Construction Industry Briefing wrap

  • 12 December 2019

Over 350 representatives from across WA’s construction industry attended a Morley-Ellenbrook Line Construction Industry Briefing at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Hosted by the Public Transport Authority (PTA), the briefing started with an address from Hon Rita Saffioti MLA, Minister for Transport. PTA Executive Director Major Projects, Ross Hamilton, provided an update on METRONET projects in delivery and the importance of the year ahead as four projects move into major construction. The significance of local content and supporting the WA workforce was also discussed.

PTA Principal Project Director Major Projects, Nigel Hunt, gave attendees a comprehensive overview on the infrastructure and procurement requirements for the Morley-Ellenbrook Line, which will be delivered through four packages.

PTA Infrastructure Planning and Land Services Executive Director, Owen Thomas, provided an update on key METRONET program initiatives such as Public Art, Sustainability and the Aboriginal Engagement Gnarla Biddi strategies, followed by an update on METRONET projects still in planning, including the Byford Rail Extension, Karnup Station, Midland Station and the Level Crossing Removal Program.

Requests for Proposals for the main package of works on the Morley-Ellenbrook Line will be issued in early 2020, with contract award expected late 2020.

All procurement advice will be released on TendersWA.

Other information from the briefing includes:

To support local businesses that work in or support the construction industry, informal networking opportunities were held before the briefing.

Local businesses are encouraged to complete the Construction Business Register, which will be provided to shortlisted bidders during the competitive tender phase and again after contract award.

This register does not guarantee work, but will help the successful tenderers in completing their WA Industry Participation Strategy and maximise the local skills, services and experience on offer.

A list of the organisations that attended is available here.

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