Skybridge to connect Perth airport to new Metronet Airport Central Station. - METRONET


Skybridge to connect Perth airport to new Metronet Airport Central Station.

  • 26 November 2018

Plans were released for a new Skybridge to connect Perth Airport’s Terminal 1 & 2 with the new Airport Central Station being built along the Forrestfield-Airport Link. 

The Skybridge will create a seamless connection for passengers arriving or leaving the airport by rail and is a major step in ensuring public transport to and from the airport is as easy and user friendly as possible for passengers.

The elevated, enclosed walkway stretches 280m long and will include travelators and lifts. It is designed to provide clear orientation and wayfinding with views across the terminal precinct. Creating a ‘sense of place’ will also be considered in offering visitors a great welcome to WA.

At the cost of a standard two zone fare to the CBD, travelling to and from the airport by train will become a desirable and convenient option for visitors and locals alike.

Perth Airport will manage the construction, which will be delivered by the Georgiou Group using funding provided as part of the Forrestfield-Airport Link project.  Construction will be completed for when the first trains run on the Forrestfield line.

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For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.

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