Eight Western Australia artists, including three Noongar artists, will deliver five new public artworks for the METRONET Byford Rail Extension Project. The artworks will be embedded into the stations and surrounding areas for commuters and the community to enjoy.
Existing public art in the area around the new Armadale Station will also be revitalised and relocated inside the station forecourt.
Southern end of elevated rail
Mural and pavement artwork – working in partnership with Year 8, 9 and 10 Armadale Senior High School students, artist George Domahidy will create murals and sandblasting at the southern end of the elevated rail in Armadale.
The murals will extend along the southern retaining walls and two elevated rail columns, reflecting endemic flora and fauna, natural textures from the surrounding landscape and Armadale’s history, culture and community. The sandblasted artwork will feature on the adjacent shared path.
To find out more click here to view our factsheet.

Impression of the southern end of the elevated rail
Artwork by George Domahidy
Larsen Road pedestrian bridge
Mural and pavement artwork – working with Year 5 and 6 Marri Grove Primary School students, artist Sioux Tempestt will create two murals and sandblasting on the Larsen Road pedestrian bridge in Byford. The murals will extend along the retaining walls on both sides of the bridge, reflecting native flora and fauna, local identity and community. The sandblasted artwork will feature on the bridge ramps and deck, and adjacent paths.
Sioux engaged with students in three interactive workshops to demonstrate shadow painting inspired by nature, foam printing based on local images and creating collages with patterns. Through these activities, the students explored their sense of identity and community, reflecting on their connections with themselves, their peers and the environment around them.
A visit to Byford and imagery from local resident Colleen Rankin’s ‘Pictorial History of Byford’ deepened the artist’s appreciation for the community's love of their town and its vibrant spirit, further inspiring her artworks that will weave together shared stories and local history and foster a stronger connection within the community.

Marri Grove Primary School students

Impression of murals for Larsen Road pedestrian bridge
Artwork by Sioux Tempestt
View the full fact sheet here.