Alkimos Station is located on the corner of Romeo Road and Marmion Avenue, west of Wanneroo Road, and is approximately a 41-minute journey from Perth.
The Noongar place name for Alkimos Station is Kyleeup and the narrative is ‘Place of the Kylee (Boomerang)’.

The new station features:
- public toilets, services such as vending machines, kiosk, passenger ticketing/information, staff amenities, station administration offices, storage/cleaning and operational facilities
- a shared path, two secure bike shelters with the ability to add additional shelters in the future
- eight-stand bus interchange with four layover bays, seating and information facilities
- dedicated passenger drop-off area and approximately 700 parking bays.
Future planning for the precinct around Alkimos Station will be managed by DevelopmentWA.
Read more about the station on the Alkimos Station fact sheet.
Station architecture
Local landmarks and early investigations conducted with the METRONET Noongar Reference Group identified important local Noongar themes, such as the limestone pinnacles and Melaleuca huegelii, which influenced the station's architecture.

Melaleucas are often referred to as ‘Teatree’ or ‘Paperbark’ trees. Melaleuca huegelii was extremely important to Noongar people due to its versatility – large pieces could provide coverage for shelters, smaller pieces were used to carry water and wrap food, and the leaves could be crushed for the medicinal properties of the aromatic oil, which could be brewed as a healing tea. It is also a well-known native species familiar to most Western Australians, and often planted in local parks or on verges.