Midland Station set to move - METRONET


Midland Station set to move

  • 15 January 2020

After more than 50 years, Midland Station will have a new home, closer to the town centre and health campus.

Relocating Midland Station between Helena and Cale streets supports DevelopmentWA’s Midland Project, as it maintains the railway’s central role to work and community life in the area, while replacing ageing infrastructure with a modern facility.

The new station will include three platforms, with two long enough to cater for six-car trains and a third for regional trains that use the station.

Connections for people, cyclists and passengers will be improved in the area with a new bus interchange, multi-level passenger car park, bicycle parking facilities and a shared path.

To ensure safe and efficient traffic movements in the area, the project will include closing the Helena Street level crossing and replacing with a new crossing at Cale Street, subject to stakeholder consultation.

The rail line will also be extended to the new Bellevue Depot, where the new C-series rail cars will be built.

Planning will now move into finalising design and layout details, with the Project Definition Plan to be completed in mid-2020.

As part of the design process, we want to hear from the community to find out what is important to them for the new Midland Station. Find out more and complete the survey by Monday,10 Feb: www.mysaytransport.wa.gov.au/midland-station

We also encourage people to come and chat with our project team at:

Shopping centre pop ups

  • Thursday, 30 January - Midland Gate outside Kmart
  • Tuesday, 4 February - Centrepoint Shopping Centre outside Woolworths

Drop-in session

Saturday 8 February
9am -12pm
Woodbridge Primary School
Register for the drop-in session here: midland-station.eventbrite.com.au

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