Sustainability - METRONET

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The road to recycling

The road to recycling

Take around 47,000 recycled plastic bags, mix in toner from used printer cartridges and sprinkle in some crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres and 25 per cent reclaimed asphalt pavement. Add these ingredients to traditional asphalt and what do you have?

Bridging travel for wildlife

Bridging travel for wildlife

Why did the bandicoot cross the rail? Because it was safe.

Grass trees in transition

Grass trees in transition

They have long, needle-like leaves and striking black trunks. Can you guess which Australian plant it is?

Tree hollows find new home at Kaarakin

Tree hollows find new home at Kaarakin

Tree hollows, logs and foliage from the site of the future Lakelands Station will be put to good use at their new home, Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre.

Denny Avenue smashing through waste recovery targets

Denny Avenue smashing through waste recovery targets

Downer, the contractor for Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal project, has smashed through their proactive waste recovery targets and is driving best practice for waste management. 

Yanchep gets the go-ahead for ‘green’ limestone

Yanchep gets the go-ahead for ‘green’ limestone

The Yanchep Rail Extension was given the green light to recycle up to 200,000 tonnes of limestone – enough to fill nearly 45 Olympic-sized swimming pools!

Lakelands Station gives new home for threatened black cockatoos

Lakelands Station gives new home for threatened black cockatoos

Two artificial black cockatoo tree hollows were recently installed by METRONET in a nature reserve near the Lakelands Station project site.

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