Gnarla Biddi: Taking the first step on our pathway together - METRONET


Gnarla Biddi: Taking the first step on our pathway together

  • 21 January 2019

METRONET’s Gnarla Biddi (Our Pathways) Strategy is taking its first steps to embed genuine engagement with the Aboriginal community.

In December 2018, METRONET’s Aboriginal Engagement Strategy was accepted by the Whadjuk and Gnaala Karla Booja Working Parties and renamed ‘Gnarla Biddi’ to reflect the pathways it is intended to help forge for Noongar and other Aboriginal people, as well as the connections the projects will create throughout Perth.

The Strategy is supported by five engagement streams, which allow for cultural, business, job and land access outcomes for the Aboriginal community through:

  1.  Noongar Cultural Recognition
  2.  Noongar Cultural Input into Place Making
  3.  Aboriginal Procurement 
  4.  Aboriginal Employment
  5.  Land Access and Sites Management. 

Each stream outlines specific targets and minimum requirements for the METRONET Office, METRONET Lead Agency and main contractors to meet.

Working together will be important to the Strategy’s success. To help do this a Noongar Reference Group has been formed with representatives nominated by the Whadjuk and Gnaala Karla Booja Working Parties. The Group will provide input into the Noongar Cultural Recognition and Noongar Cultural Input into Place Making engagement streams.

To find out more about the strategy, what it means for Government agencies and the private sector implementing METRONET and opportunities it presents for Aboriginal groups, businesses and people, register to attend our drop-in information session: 

Session has now closed. Read the wrap up here. 


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