National Reconciliation Week 2022 at METRONET - METRONET


National Reconciliation Week 2022 at METRONET

  • 3 June 2022

To mark National Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day at METRONET, we engaged in learning opportunities and activities to reflect on the significance of our shared histories, cultures, and achievements.

This year’s theme Be Brave. Make Change. calls for all Australians to take action and create lasting change for a more just, reconciled nation. METRONET is committed to making brave actions and participating in reconciliation in Western Australia.

The METRONET Lakelands Station (Yaakanap) Project observed National Sorry Day with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony, followed by a presentation on the significance of the day in connection with Reconciliation Week.

National Reconciliation Week was marked by the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line Project with a colouring in competition featuring Aboriginal artwork, attracting many submissions from the local community. A presentation on Australia’s reconciliation journey was also delivered to the team and Aboriginal flag themed cookies were handed out, encouraging attendees to reflect on the importance of the week.

The METRONET New Bayswater Station (Biraliny) project team commemorated the week with presentations from guest speakers, a cleansing ceremony in which attendees were invited to walk through smoke, and a morning tea.  

To round out the week, the METRONET team took part in the Walk for Reconciliation through Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park), which featured truth telling sessions and cultural entertainment.

We recently announced the METRONET Noongar Place Names Initiative to acknowledge the traditional and ongoing connection of Noongar people to Country, and celebrate and include Noongar language across our program of works.

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