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Busy in Bayswater for 2021

Busy in Bayswater for 2021

The construction team were able to hit the ground running in January after the Development Application to build the new train station at Bayswater received conditional approval by the WA Planning Commission before Christmas.

Local businesses take a seat in supplying for the new rail and railcars

Local businesses take a seat in supplying for the new rail and railcars

More local businesses are joining the ranks of those to benefit from the opportunities created by METRONET projects.

Next level unlocked: Procurement shortlisting for three projects

Next level unlocked: Procurement shortlisting for three projects

2021 is already off to a running start with three projects reaching an exciting milestone with major construction proponents shortlisted this month.

Upcoming disruptions pave the way for more trains and more choice at Claremont Station

Upcoming disruptions pave the way for more trains and more choice at Claremont Station

The Claremont Station Project will improve passengers’ experience, increase service frequency during peak times and allow direct access to the future Airport Line.

Another big year comes to an end

Another big year comes to an end

In what was a challenging year on many fronts, it was full steam ahead on METRONET projects.

New sports pavilion for Ellenbrook Christian College

New sports pavilion for Ellenbrook Christian College

A train station won’t be the only new community facility coming to Ellenbrook, with Ellenbrook Christian College set to have a new sports pavilion thanks to a partnership with the State Government.

Eight months of milestones for Yanchep Rail Extension

Eight months of milestones for Yanchep Rail Extension

In the eight months since major works kicked off the Yanchep Rail Extension many a milestone has been achieved. 

Lakelands Station lands a builder

Lakelands Station lands a builder

The future station will be built seven kilometres north of Mandurah Station, with car park access off Ashwood Parkway and bus access from Lake Valley Drive.

Plan ahead for upcoming major train disruptions

Plan ahead for upcoming major train disruptions

To build vital infrastructure for METRONET projects major disruptions on the Armadale and Fremantle Lines are planned for early 2021.

$2.5m allocated to relocate Morley skate park

$2.5m allocated to relocate Morley skate park

Wotton Skate Park will be relocated by the City of Bayswater, with $2.5m provided by METRONET.

Thornlie-Cockburn Link piles through 2020

Thornlie-Cockburn Link piles through 2020

Construction of the Thornlie-Cockburn Link is in full swing with large scale works underway at various project sites.

Greener pastures for METRONET

Greener pastures for METRONET

METRONET has officially registered for a Green Star Volume Certification under the Green Star Railway Stations v1.1 tool.

New life for cleared trees at local school

New life for cleared trees at local school

Timbers from trees recently cleared at the New Bayswater Station site have found a new home as open-air learning and play equipment at St Columba’s, a nearby primary school.

Works start on Byford Rail Extension

Works start on Byford Rail Extension

The Perth rail network is on its way to Byford with the start of early works at Thomas Road

Public art takes centre stage at Alkimos Central

Public art takes centre stage at Alkimos Central

A major new public artwork by Noongar artist Sharyn Egan has been unveiled, developed in collaboration with 150 local school children.

Christmas Information session for Kelmscott businesses

Christmas Information session for Kelmscott businesses

With the Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal project works well under way, the METRONET team would like to invite local Kelmscott businesses to attend a project progress and update session.


For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.

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