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Have your say and find out more about the new train line to Ellenbrook

Have your say and find out more about the new train line to Ellenbrook

With the route and station locations for the Morley-Ellenbrook Line now confirmed , we want to hear from you! 

Morley-Ellenbrook Line route announced

Morley-Ellenbrook Line route announced

Premier Mark McGowan and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti have announced the route for METRONET’s long-awaited Morley-Ellenbrook Line. 

METRONET Local Capability Fund

METRONET Local Capability Fund

Perth businesses looking to be part of the METRONET Railcar Procurement can apply for a grant as part of the State Government’s Local Capability Fund when a successful bidder has been announced.

Above and Beyond for Forrestfield-Airport Link!

Above and Beyond for Forrestfield-Airport Link!

The Forrestfield-Airport Link has received the Concrete Institute of Australia (WA) Award for Excellence in the Technology and Innovation Category for 2019 for production of the concrete tunnel segments used on the project.

Great response to Community Reference Group nominations

Great response to Community Reference Group nominations

Since nominations opened in late May, over 250 community members applied to be part of one of four METRONET Project Community Reference Groups.

NAIDOC Week 2019's theme is 'Voice. Treaty. Truth.'

NAIDOC Week 2019's theme is 'Voice. Treaty. Truth.'

This theme acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have always wanted an enhanced role in decision-making in Australia’s democracy.

Value Capture Model not to be pursued

Value Capture Model not to be pursued

Today Minister Saffioti announced due to current housing and property market conditions as well as securing additional Commonwealth funding, it will not be pursued at this time.

Automatic Train Control submission to IA

Automatic Train Control submission to IA

As Perth continues to grow, so does demand for public transport, and the answer to making the most of our existing network lies with a part that is hidden from view but is essential to how the trains operate.

Final B-series railcar delivered

Final B-series railcar delivered

As procurement progresses to deliver 246 new C-series railcars for METRONET, the last of 78 B-series trains is about to start running on the Transperth network, 15 years after the first of its type was launched.

Yanchep seed collection for the future

Yanchep seed collection for the future

While the Yanchep Rail Extension awaits the appointment of its major contractor, our environmental team have been busy collecting seeds, from native flora within the rail corridor.

Contract awarded for Karel Avenue upgrade

Contract awarded for Karel Avenue upgrade

Main Roads have awarded the Design and Construction contract to upgrade the Roe Highway and Karel Avenue interchange, including widening Karel Avenue bridge.

METRONET East to maximise development opportunities

METRONET East to maximise development opportunities

DevelopmentWA (formerly Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority) will begin the process to extend the Midland Redevelopment Area to include the immediate areas around the Bayswater and Forrestfield train stations. 

Nominations open for Community Reference Groups on METRONET projects.

Nominations open for Community Reference Groups on METRONET projects.

The Public Transport Authority as part of METRONET is establishing four Community Reference Groups (CRG’s) for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link, Yanchep Rail Extension and Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal projects.

Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review

Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review

Progress continues on the Yanchep Rail Extension as the Public Transport Authority (PTA) has submitted the Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review. 

Historic Tree to relocate in Bayswater

Historic Tree to relocate in Bayswater

Overlooking the Bayswater Town centre for over 80 years, the historic Kurrajong Tree will soon be relocated. 

Public Transport holds the key for apartment buyers

Public Transport holds the key for apartment buyers

A national survey of over 3,300 apartment owners and occupiers has found that more than half bought their apartment because it was close to public transport. 


For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.

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